The films and television series featured on this map are representative of diverse models of screen production, from small independent works to big-budget feature films. They have been supported by a range of screen organisations including the Indigenous Branch of Screen Australia (formerly Film Australia), state film agencies, Indigenous production units in Australian public broadcasting services (ABC, SBS), Remote Indigenous Media organisations, the National Indigenous Television service (NITV), and, more recently, global media companies. When story location is not known, we have used production company location.

On making In My Own Words: Brewarrina is not my community, I’m from Alice Springs, and being an Aboriginal filmmaker working with Aboriginal subjects doesn’t give me a magical key to unlock access. I needed to take time, be patient, and allow people to get to know me before I started to take bits and pieces of their personal lives on screen.

Erica Glyn, Indigenous Writer, Director, Producer. 2018.