National Indigenous Television (NITV) is part of the SBS family of free-to-air channels broadcasting across Australia providing a nationwide Indigenous television service via cable, satellite and terrestrial transmission means and selected online audio visual content. The content for these services is primarily commissioned or acquired from the Indigenous production sector. (Source : NITV website)
Pintubi Anmatjere Warlpiri (Paw) Media.
PAW Media and Communications is an Aboriginal media organisation situated at Yuendumu in the Northern Territory of Australia. We are a Remote Indigenous Media Organisaton (RIMO) providing coordination services to RIBS (remote Indigenous Broadcasting Services) in the wider Tanami area of Central Australia. RIBs are community radio stations established throughout the 1990s under the Broadcasting for Remote Aboriginal Communities Scheme (BRACS). Famous for the innovative TV series Bush Mechanics, we have a long history of producing community radio and video in language. (Source: PAW Media website)
SBS Charter.
This charter sets out the principal functions of the SBS and a number of duties it has to fulfil. These functions include the requirement to contribute to meeting the communication needs of Australia’s multicultural society (including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities), to increase awareness and promote understanding of these cultures, and to contribute to the retention of languages and provide content in these preferred languages.
Screen Australia’s Indigenous Department celebrates 25 years.
A detailed overview of Screen Australia’s Indigenous Department history. Features a timeline of the key events, info on the Heads of the Indigenous department and a list of funded titles.
The Koori History Website - Koori History Video Clips.
Includes a collection of historical video clips, including sketches from Basically Black (ABC-TV 1973), the first all-Aboriginal TV show – a satirical political review written and performed by members of the Black Theatre: Bob Maza, Gary Foley, Aileen Corpus, Zac Martin, Bindi Williams.