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  • Director: Rachel Perkins
    Writer: Kodie Bedford, Tim Lee, Michaeley O’Brien, Steven McGregor
    Producer: David Jowsey, Greer Simpkin
  • Director: Adrian Russell Wills
    Writer: Adrian Russell Wills
    Producer: Michaela Perske, Gillian Moody
  • Director: Warwick Thornton
    Writer: David Tranter, Steven McGregor
    Producer: David Jowsey, Greer Simpkin
  • Director: Perun Bonser
    Writer: Perun Bonser
    Producer: Ryan Hodgson, Melissa Kelly
  • Director: Kimberley West
    Writer: Diane Appleby, Dot (Dorothy) West
    Producer: Jodie Bell
  • Director: Trisha Morton-Thomas
    Writer: Trisha Morton-Thomas
    Producer: Meredith Garlick, Rachel Clements

On making In My Own Words: Brewarrina is not my community, I’m from Alice Springs, and being an Aboriginal filmmaker working with Aboriginal subjects doesn’t give me a magical key to unlock access. I needed to take time, be patient, and allow people to get to know me before I started to take bits and pieces of their personal lives on screen.

Erica Glyn, Indigenous Writer, Director, Producer. 2018.